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文章出处:人气:115发表时间:2019/11/14 10:10:01


The deformation of welded square pipe is mainly caused by the shrinkage force of weld seam greater than the strength of base metal. Coloring method is basically similar to fluorescence method, but the difference is that the image of welding square tube defect is displayed by imaging agent. The principle of colouring flaw detection is realized by capillary osmotic adsorption. During inspection, the surface of the welded square pipe should be cleaned with detergent to remove dust, oil, oxides and other dirt affecting penetration. Then, the welded square pipe is immersed in the penetrant, or the penetrant is smeared (or sprayed) on the required flaw detection site. If there is a defect on the surface of square pipe weld, the penetrant will penetrate into the defect. Thereafter, the penetrant on the weld surface of the welded square pipe will be wiped clean or washed, but there will still be penetrant in the defect gap. Apply the developer evenly, so that the penetrant in the surface defect can be adsorbed out, so that the red defect image can be displayed on the bottom of the white developer.


This method can be used to inspect the surface defects of metal parts such as steel, copper and aluminum or welded square pipes, which are not limited by the properties, shape and size of stainless steel pipes. It is easy to operate and economical in flaw detection. It does not need special equipment and equipment. It can work in high altitude or field without water or electricity. It is especially suitable for local inspection of large stainless steel square welded pipes or repeated inspection after repair. Coloring flaw detection method is also widely used in locomotives and vehicles, such as inspection of inlet and exhaust valve surfacing layers of diesel locomotives.


1. If there is only one weld on one side, the second weld is retracted from the middle, i.e. the first arc is retracted from the second weld.


2. Take a smaller welding line energy (welding line energy is proportional to the current, but inverse to the welding speed), that is, use a smaller welding current, faster welding speed.


3. If there are two or four symmetrical welds, they should be welded from one end, and two staggered welds with symmetrical advance method are adopted. For example, the first welding is 150 mm long, then 300 mm symmetrical, crossing the front 150 mm, then 300 mm each time, crossing 150 mm each time.